
梁  栋


梁栋,19908生,山东潍坊人,博士,河北工业大学硕士生导师IEEE PES智能电网与新技术委员会(中国)智能电网柔性资源互动分委会委员










1) 河北省自然科学基金青年项目(E2021202053), 主动配电网隐蔽型信息攻击态势感知与综合评估研究, 2021-2024

2) 天津市自然科学基金青年项目(22JCQNJC00160), 机理-数据融合驱动的综合能源系统多尺度分布式容错状态估计研究, 2022-2024

3) 河北省教育厅科技项目青年项目(QN2020442),智能配电网多场景运行拓扑辨识与追踪研究,2020-2022

4) 智能电网教育部重点实验室开放基金,基于同步相量测量的智能配电网动态负荷感知与实时拓扑辨识,2020

5) 国网天津市电力有限公司科技项目,中低压配电网拓扑辨识与运维决策技术研究,2019

6) 国网河北省电力有限公司科技项目,低压配电网台区运行优化提升关键技术,2021-2022

7) 国网河北省电力有限公司科技项目,高可靠性配电网运行态势感知与自愈控制技术研究,2022-2023

8) 国网河北省电力有限公司科技项目,适应有源配电网发展的柔性开关设备应用关键技术研究,2023-2024



[1] D. Liang*, S. Su, L. Zeng and H.D. Chiang, “Decentralized method for nonconvex robust static state estimation of integrated electricity-gas systems,” CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2023. (Accept, IF=7.1)

[2] D. Liang*, L. Zeng and H.D. Chiang, “Simultaneous identification and correction of multiple network parameter errors by mixed-effects models,” IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 9, no. 2, pp: 879-890, 2022. (IF=4.2)

[3] D. Liang*, L. Zeng, H.D. Chiang and S. Wang, “Power flow matching-based topology identification of medium-voltage distribution networks via AMI measurements,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 130, pp:106938, 2021. (IF=5.2)

[4] D. Liang*, Y. Cheng, S. Su, X. Wang and L. Zeng, “Efficient identification of multiple parameter errors in power grids by mixed-effects models and generalized least squares”, Frontiers in Energy Research, vol. 10, no. 840736, 2022. (IF=3.4)

[5] 梁栋*, 邱馨洁, 刘琪, 王笑雪, 王守相. 电动汽车与直流配电网协同的分布式自适应滚动预测调度[J], 电力系统自动化, 2023, 47 (24): 90-99.

[6] 梁栋*, 刘啸宇, 曾林, 孙智卿, 王守相. 基于潮流引导神经网络的配电网贝叶斯状态估计[J], 高电压技术, 2023. (录用)

[7] 梁栋, 赵月梓, 贺国润, 陈海文*.基于图半监督与多任务学习的配电网故障区段与类型统一辨识[J], 电力系统保护与控制, 2024. (录用)

[8] 梁栋*, 郭育威, 王笑雪, 刘琪, 王守相. 考虑储能与动态重构的柔性互联配电系统两阶段鲁棒优化[J], 电力建设, 2022, 43(9): 94-103.

[9] 梁栋*, 张煜, 王守相, 孙智卿. 基于非线性回归的含隐节点低压配电网参数和拓扑联合辨识[J], 电力系统及其自动化学报, 2021, 33(11): 28-36.

[10] D. Liang*, S. Wang, D. Zhang, L. Ge and K. Li, “A guaranteed two-stage state estimation framework for unbalanced three-phase distribution systems by considering multi-source measurement uncertainty,” 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM 2018), 2018.8.5-2018.8.10.

[11] S. Su, D. Liang, L. Zeng, and X. Wang, “Robust state estimation of integrated electricity gas systems based on constrained iteratively reweighted least squares,” International Conference on Power System Technology (PowerCon 2023), 2023.9.21-2023.9.22.

[12] S. Wang, D. Liang, L. Ge and L. Wu, “PQ decoupled three-phase numerical observability analysis and critical data identification for distribution systems,” International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 27, no. 6, pp: e2317, 2017.

[13] S. Wang, D. Liang, L. Ge and X. Wang, “Analytical FRTU deployment approach for reliability improvement of integrated cyber-physical distribution systems,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 10, no. 11, pp: 2631-2639, 2016.

[14] 王守相, 梁栋, 葛磊蛟. 智能配电网态势感知和态势利导关键技术[J], 电力系统自动化, 2016, 40(12): 2-8.

[15] 王旭东, 梁栋, 曹宝夷, 王守相. 三遥配电自动化终端的优化配置 [J]. 电力系统及其自动化学报, 2016, 28 (02): 36-42.

[16] 王守相,梁栋. 智能配电网状态估计软件平台设计,英大传媒KGE杯配用电新技术与应用案例征文一等奖,2014.

[17] 田家辉, 梁栋, 葛磊蛟, 李奎, 王守相, 李占凯. 面向高精度状态感知的配电系统微型同步相量测量单元优化配置[J]. 电网技术, 2019, 43(07): 2235-2242.

[18] L. Zeng*, H.D. Chiang, D. Liang, M. Xia and N. Dong, “Trust-tech source-point method for systematically computing multiple local optimal solutions: theory and method,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 52, no. 11, pp: 11686-11697, 2022.

[19] W. Tian, H.D. Chiang, and D. Liang, “Toward User-Centered Bounded State Estimation in Power Grids: Theory and Method,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2024. (Early Access)

[20] L. Zeng, H.D. Chiang and D. Liang*. “Robust optimal power flow under renewable uncertainty with pairwise convex hull,” Electric Power Systems Research, 2022, 210:108136.

[21] 牛峰, 高禄辰, 胡艳芳, 梁栋*, 王笑雪. 基于电机参数失配的模型预测转速控制系统运行稳定性研究[J]. 电机与控制学报, 2023, 27 (06): 55-63.

[22] F. Niu, K. Sun, S. Huang, Y. Hu, D. Liang*, Y. Fang. A review on multi-motor synchronous control methods,” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification., vol. 9, no. 1, pp: 22-33, 2023.

[23] X. Wang, L. Gu, D. Liang*. Decentralized and multi-objective coordinated optimization of hybrid AC/DC flexible distribution networks. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021: 646.

[24] X. Wang., Y. Rong, D. Liang*, Y. Zhao, Y. Liu, B. Gu. Data-driven fast voltage control in non-DPMU distribution networks with microgrids. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022:417.

[25] 王笑雪, 高超, 刘一欣, 梁栋, .计及多元不确定性的氢电耦合微电网多阶段动态规划方法[J].电力自动化设备, 2023, 1-14.

[26] H. Yang, S. Yuan, Z. Wang, X. Qiu, D. Liang*. Adaptive model predictive scheduling of flexible interconnected low-voltage distribution networks considering charging preferences of Electric Vehicles. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022:1529.

[27] H. Yang, S. Yuan, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, D. Liang*. A two-stage robust optimal scheduling of flexible distribution networks based on pairwise convex hull. Sustainability, 2023, 15:6093.

[28] Q. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Wang*, D. Liang, Q. Zhao and X. Zhao. “Voltage regulation strategy for DC distribution networks based on coordination of centralized control and adaptive droop control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 37, no. 5, pp: 3730-3739, 2022.

[29] 刘琪, 王守相, 赵倩宇, 梁栋, 高海淑. 基于信息间隙决策理论的下垂控制直流配电网运行参考点优化方法[J].电网技术, 2022, 46(11): 4381-4391.

[30] 陈海文, 王守相, 梁栋, 苏运. 用户节电的大数据分析及应用[J].电网技术, 2019, 43(04): 1345-1354.



[1] L. Zeng, D. Liang, H.D. Chiang, and G.L Chiang. Online state estimation and topology identification using advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) measurements: U.S. Patent 11824354 B2. 2023-11-23.

[2] 梁栋;张煜;陈贺;王强;刘海涛;王鹏;李江峰. 基于非线性回归的低压配电网参数和拓扑联合辨识方法[P]. 天津市: CN112600191B, 2023-08-04.

[3] 刘超,王旭东,苏彦卓,梁栋,邢云琪,李治等. 一种配电系统微型同步相量测量单元优化配置方法[P]. 天津市: CN110210690B, 2022-12-06.

[4] 刘超,王旭东,苏彦卓,梁栋,邢云琪,李治. 一种基于AMI量测近邻回归的三相配电网拓扑辨识方法[P]. 天津市: CN110190600B, 2022-09-30.


[1] 复杂配用电系统协同优化技术研究及工程应用河北省科技进步一等奖2017.

[2] 区域多微网规划评估技术工程应用,电力建设科学技术进步奖,2017.

[3] 区域多微电网规划与评估关键技术研究及工程应用,国网天津市电力公司科技进步一等奖2017

[4] 新能源配电网多源量测高精度动态感知与安全控制技术及应用,国家电网有限公司科技进步三等奖,2023


[1] 梁栋 ; 电-气综合能源系统分布式状态估计研究, 第38届中国高等学校电力系统及其自动化专业学术年会, 内蒙古呼和浩特, 2023-8-14至2023-8-16


硕士研究生2名,优先招收数学背景、英语和编程良好对以下(之一)熟悉者:MATPOWER, OpenDSS, Simulink, PSCAD, PyTorch, IPOPT, CPLEX, Gurobi, AMPL.



