2014.12-今 河北工业大学电气工程学院,教授,硕士生导师
[1] 河北省自然科学基金项目面上项目(E2016202106), 掺杂微量添加剂银氧化锡触头材料物理性能和电接触性能的研究,2016-2018
[1] Properties of Ag-SnO2 Contact Materials for Low-Voltage Electrical Appliances with Different Doped Particle Sizes,ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2019,5:1-9.
[2] Properties of doped Ag–SnO2 electrical contact materials with different SnO2 particle sizes,Materials Research Express,2019,1:2-10.
[3] Physical and electrical contact properties of AgSnO2 contact materials doped with different particle sizes additive,RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2019,2:458-462.
[4] Effect of sintering temperature on the physical properties and electrical contact properties of doped AgSnO2 contact materials,International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials,2018,25(11): 1275-1285
[5] Effects of Additives Doping on the Wettability and Contact Resistance of Ag-SnO2 Contact Material,RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2018,47(02):672-676
邮箱: wanght@hebut.edu.cn