



2001.9–2006.7 博士毕业于南开大学物理学院,光子学与技术专业。论文题目:近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体的生长及性能研究。
1997.9 –2001.7 本科毕业于南开大学物理学院,应用光学专业。论文题目:铌酸锂晶体极化电场的组分依赖研究。

2009.9-2010.8 博士后,非线性光学材料方向,量子电子实验室,帕维亚大学,意大利。




[1]2013 主持河北省教育厅优秀青年基金项目“光控质子交换的微观机制研究”

[2]2013 主持人社部留学回国人员择优资助项目“掺系列铌酸锂晶体中的缺陷系统研究”

[3]2013 主持河北省自然科学基金项目“掺系列铌酸锂晶体中的缺陷系统研究”

[4]2013 主持教育部留学回国人员基金项目“掺系列晶体的紫外光折变研究”

[5]2012 主持国家自然科学基金项目“铁双掺铌酸锂晶体的光散射起源研究”

[6]2012 主持国家自然科学基金项目“铁双掺铌酸锂晶体的光散射起源研究”

[7]2011 主持河北工业大学优秀青年科技创新基金项目“掺系列铌酸锂晶体的光折变性能与缺陷能级研究”

[8]2009 主持河北省自然科学基金项目“铁双掺铌酸锂晶体的光散射起源研究”

[9]2009 主持天津市自然科学基金项目“掺系列晶体的紫外光折变研究”

[10]2009 主持浙江大学国家重点实验室开放课题项目“掺氮直拉硅的高能粒子辐照效应”

[11]2008 主持河北省教育厅项目“本征缺陷的空间分布对铌酸锂反转电场的影响研究”

[12]2007 主持南开大学教育部重点实验室开放课题项目“掺系列晶体的紫外光折变研究”。


[1]. Jianli Jing, Bolin Fan, Meng Wu, Wenbo Yan*, Lihong Shi, Donghui Wang, Shaobei Li, Xuliang Wang, and Hongjian Chen, “Study on the partial self-recovery process in Fe-doped Lithium Niobate crystals,” Optical Materials Express, 6, 1545-1551 (2016).
[2]. Meng Wu, Wenbo Yan*, Jianli Jing, Donghui Wang, Lihong Shi, Lixia Zhang, Xun Wang, Shaobei Li, and Hongjian Chen, “Patterned LiNbO3 thin film fabrication basing aqueous precursor and the study on pattern quality and film morphology,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 670, 144-149 (2016)

[3]. Xun Wang, Wenbo Yan*, Lixia Zhang et al. “Tunable photocatalytic activity of photochromic Fe-Mn-codoped LiNbO3 nanocrystals” Optical Materials Express, 5, 2240-2245 (2015)

[4]. Guohong Liang, Wenbo Yan*, Donghui Wang et al. “Photo-assisted proton exchange and chemical etching on Fe-doped lithium niobate crystals”, Optics Express, 23, 19-25 (2015)

[5]. Xunan Shen, Wenbo Yan*, Jianli Jing et al. “Study on the temperature dependence of the OH- absorption band in Hf-doped LiNbO3 crystals”, Journal of Materials Science, 49, 3775-3779 (2014)

[6]. Fangfang Jia, Wenbo Yan*, Donghui Wang et al. “Photoinduced Ag- nanoparticle deposition on Fe-doped lithium niobate crystals”, Optical Materials Express 4, 359-365 (2014)

[7]. Xunan Shen, Wenbo Yan*, Lihong Shi et al. “Photorefractive properties varied with Li composition in LiNbO3: Fe crystals”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 4, 1892-1899 (2012)

[8]. Wenbo Yan*, Xunan Shen, Lihong Shi et al. “Suppression of the photoinduced light scattering in LiNbO3:Fe by redox treatment and incoherent homogeneous illumination”, Applied Physics A, 108, 615-620 (2012)

[9]. Wenbo Yan*, P. Minzioni, G. Nava et al. "Critical composition of reduced pure LiNbO3 crystals: A sudden change in optical properties", Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 art. no. 151112 (2011)

[10]. Wenbo Yan*, Lihong Shi, Hongjian Chen et al. "Investigations on the UV photorefractivity of LiNbO3: Hf", Optics Letters, 35, 601 (2010)

[11]. Wenbo Yan*, Lihong Shi, Hongjian Chen et al, "Light scattering induced by opposite microdomains in LiNbO3:Fe:Hf crystals", Optics Express, 18, 11949 (2010)

[12]. Wenbo Yan*, Lihong Shi, Hongjian Chen et al, "Investigations of the OH absorption bands in congruent and near-stoichiometric LiNbO3:Hf crystals", Europhysics Letters, 91, 36002 (2010)

[13]. Wenbo Yan*, Yangxian Li, Lihong Shi et al. "The UV-light-induced absorption in pure LiNbO3 investigated by varying composition", J. Phys. D: Applied Physics, 41, art. no. 085410 (2008).

[14]. Wenbo Yan*, Yangxian Li, Lihong Shi et al. "Photochromic effect in LiNbO3: Fe :Co", Optics Express, 15, 17010 (2007)

[15]. Wenbo Yan*, Hongjian Chen, Lihong Shi et al. "Investigations of the light-induced scattering varied with HfO2 codoping in LiNbO3: Fe crystals", Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 art. no. 211108 (2007).

[16]. Wenbo Yan*, Yongfa Kong, Lihong Shi et al. "Investigations of centers formed in UV light induced absorption for LiNbO3 highly doped with Mg and Hf", Optics Express 14, 10898 (2006).

[17]. Wenbo Yan, Yongfa Kong, Lihong Shi et al. "The electrostatic depinning mechanism of surface domain wall for near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals", J. Phys. D: Applied physics, 39, 4245 (2006).

[18]. Wenbo Yan, Yongfa Kong, Lihong Shi et al. "The relationship between the switching field and the intrinsic defects in near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals", J. Phys. D: Applied physics, 39, 21-24 (2006).

[19]. Wenbo Yan, Yongfa Kong, Lihong Shi et al. "The influence of composition on the photorefractive centers in pure LiNbO3 at low light intensity", Appl. Opt. 45, 2453 (2006).

[20]. Wenbo Yan*, Yongfa Kong, Lihong Shi et al. "The H+ related defects involved in domain reversal for both near-stoichiometric and heavily Mg-doped lithium niobate crystals", Eur. Phys. J. B 43, 347 (2005).

[21]. Wenbo Yan*, Yongfa Kong, Lihong Shi et al. "The H+ related defects in near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals investigated by domain reversal", Phys. Status Solidi A 201, 2013 (2004).





